RY 144.17 0.4529% TD 77.39 0.0517% SHOP 78.87 -1.3878% CNR 171.64 0.5625% ENB 50.09 -0.4769% CP 110.62 0.6277% BMO 128.85 -0.548% TRI 233.58 1.1563% CNQ 103.29 -0.174% BN 60.87 -0.2295% ATD 75.6 -1.447% CSU 3697.0 1.1582% BNS 65.76 -0.3485% CM 66.6 -0.5525% SU 54.21 1.1569% TRP 53.15 0.3398% NGT 58.54 -0.3405% WCN 226.5 0.4123% MFC 35.905 0.9986% BCE 46.75 -0.5954%

Long Term Debt

Updated on August 29, 2023

Long Term Debt or LTD is the outstanding debt having a maturity of twelve months or more and is categorized as a non-current liability on the balance sheet of the company.

The time to maturity for Long Term Debt can vary anywhere from twelve months to more than 30 years, and the categories of debt can include mortgages, debentures, bank loans, bonds and more.