RY 139.89 0.8943% TD 76.9 1.2242% SHOP 86.16 -18.5248% CNR 172.89 0.5818% ENB 51.15 1.1269% CP 112.14 0.5199% BMO 127.56 0.9816% TRI 229.43 0.1528% CNQ 105.96 1.0105% BN 60.44 0.683% ATD 75.02 0.4015% CSU 3820.47 1.7341% BNS 65.64 1.4685% CM 66.73 1.3364% SU 53.67 0.4304% TRP 52.0 1.069% NGT 57.07 0.3693% WCN 227.19 0.0528% MFC 33.6 0.9919% BCE 46.16 0.5445%

Accrued Income

Updated on August 29, 2023

An already earned income which is yet to be received. The income is recorded in the books at the time of incurrence but is received later on. Income from rent or from providing services generally falls into this category as the payment is completed once the service has been fulfilled.