RY 139.89 0.8943% TD 76.9 1.2242% SHOP 86.16 -18.5248% CNR 172.89 0.5818% ENB 51.15 1.1269% CP 112.14 0.5199% BMO 127.56 0.9816% TRI 229.43 0.1528% CNQ 105.96 1.0105% BN 60.44 0.683% ATD 75.02 0.4015% CSU 3820.47 1.7341% BNS 65.64 1.4685% CM 66.73 1.3364% SU 53.67 0.4304% TRP 52.0 1.069% NGT 57.07 0.3693% WCN 227.19 0.0528% MFC 33.6 0.9919% BCE 46.16 0.5445%

Redeemable Preference Shares

Updated on August 29, 2023

Redeemable Preference Shares are a type of preference share, which a company redeems taking it from the shareholders. The process is tantamount to the share buy-back, and a company typically redeems the shares after a specific period of time as suggested at the time of issue.