RY 139.89 0.8943% TD 76.9 1.2242% SHOP 86.16 -18.5248% CNR 172.89 0.5818% ENB 51.15 1.1269% CP 112.14 0.5199% BMO 127.56 0.9816% TRI 229.43 0.1528% CNQ 105.96 1.0105% BN 60.44 0.683% ATD 75.02 0.4015% CSU 3820.47 1.7341% BNS 65.64 1.4685% CM 66.73 1.3364% SU 53.67 0.4304% TRP 52.0 1.069% NGT 57.07 0.3693% WCN 227.19 0.0528% MFC 33.6 0.9919% BCE 46.16 0.5445%

U.S. Dollar Index (USDX)

Updated on August 29, 2023

Measure of the value of the American dollar against the currencies of a group of America's important trade partners is referred to as U.S. Dollar Index (USDX). The basket of the currencies includes Swiss Franc, British Pound, Euro, Swedish Krona, Canadian Dollar and Japanese Yen.